Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Unstoppable Outlaws of Bengaluru: Autorickshaw Unions Cross the Line

In a shocking display of lawlessness and utter disregard for public safety, a group of autorickshaw drivers in Bengaluru recently unleashed chaos on the city streets. These drivers, associated with the autorickshaw unions, resorted to violent measures, attacking the Rapido office, vandalizing autorickshaws, and even proudly documenting their actions on social media. This outrageous incident, carried out in broad daylight at a bustling market, highlights the dangerous lengths to which these drivers are willing to go to protect their outdated monopoly and suppress any form of competition.

The trigger for this heinous act of destruction was Rapido’s initiative to enhance passenger safety by installing seat belts in their autorickshaws. Instead of appreciating and supporting this commendable step towards safeguarding the lives of riders and passengers, the autorickshaw unions responded with an outburst of rage and violence. They view any change or alternative as a threat to their livelihood, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the evolving demands of the city’s residents.

The autorickshaw unions have long been hostile towards bike-taxis in Bengaluru, resenting their growing popularity among the masses. This recent incident demonstrates the unions’ audacity and complete disregard for law and order, even when confronted with alternative modes of transportation that offer regularized, convenient, and affordable services to the public. It is disheartening to witness these unions prioritizing their self-interest over the well-being and convenience of the city’s commuters.

Following the attack, a petitioner named Mr. Reddy Prasad lodged a formal complaint with the HSR Layout police station, the company was doing a csr program on road safety with auto drivers who operate on our App. As part of that initiative, we were distributing seat belts, rain curtains for autos and charging points. During the activity few members of bangalore sarathi sene auto union, forcefully entered the campaign activity and started threatening the company employees. The employees were beaten and threatened for life. Thereafter the said mob of auto union stole the seat belts, auto side curtains and chargers from our employees custody. Shockingly, the assailants not only destroyed autorickshaw property but also brazenly looted side curtains and seat-belts  without any fear of legal consequences. Furthermore, they boasted about their actions on social media platforms, openly challenging the authority of the police and the rule of law.

This incident marks yet another instance where autorickshaw drivers have taken the law into their own hands in Bengaluru. Despite the incident being streamed live and evidence readily available, the police have failed to take swift action against the perpetrators. It is deeply concerning that even after 24 hours, the law enforcement agencies have been unable to apprehend those responsible, raising serious doubts about their commitment to maintaining law and order in the city.

The recent attack by autorickshaw drivers in Bengaluru represents a dangerous trend of lawlessness and intimidation. Their actions, driven by a fear of competition and a desire to maintain their dominance, pose a significant threat to the safety and progress of the city. It is imperative that the authorities take immediate and decisive action against these perpetrators, ensuring that such acts of violence are not tolerated, and justice is served. The people of Bengaluru deserve a safe and efficient public transportation system that prioritizes their well-being over the vested interests of a few unruly individuals.

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