Sat. Mar 1st, 2025

Phuro Innovations hosted its first Virtual discussion on Pursuit of Political Peace

Debuted on November 20, 2021 as a series of year-long engagements/ innovative solutions and research-oriented approach, on the subject of Political Peace by bringing together the thought processes of leaders, politicians, entrepreneurs, and organizations.

Under the leadership of Ms. Rachna Sharma, Founder of Phuro Innovations, Co-Chair of HAE India, and Alumnus of Harvard Business School, the event brought into focus “Politics – An Important tool in the World Peace process”.

With the demographic dividend, SAARC can be the next powerhouse by adding a structured framework/ institution which will advise the region on conflict resolution and peace treaties in the future. So Phuro Innovations wants to be that institution/ that structured framework and torchbearer of advocacy, bringing together the organizations, leaders, and shared philosophies that could help the region in maintaining peace. No other superpower can help us. As a founder of Phuro Innovations, Rachna Sharma mentioned that “when I talk about Peace, I specifically talk about positive peace, which is attitudes, institutions, and structures that create and sustain peaceful societies”.

The discussion was very fruitful and following solutions/ innovative ideas were presented by these stalwart leaders, there was a breakthrough of thoughts and out-of-box thinking, which is the real need of the hour. Ms. Chhaya Sharma Pant mentioned that Phuro Innovations must document the year-long focused group research, conversations, and solutions that could be further presented to Prime Ministers of each country. As an Ambassador of Peace from Nepal, who has worked in the conflict region for sustainable peace development, suggested that India should take a delegation to Nepal and learn during the workshops or training, on solving local conflicts. Learn from the region itself. We don’t have to go too far. Ms. Sharma also extended help promising to share groundbreaking research on what people of this region want from the Institute of Conflict Management and Peace.

Ms. Chhaya Sharma Pant is the President of ABWCI, Former Member of Parliament of Nepal, and Member of the Advisory Committee of SAARC Chamber of Women Entrepreneurs Council, and awardee of the Ambassador of Peace by Universal Peace Federation.

Mr. Kinga Tshering advised Phuro Innovations to continue with their experiments and fail as many times faster to learn better. He said that time has come to simplify complex theories and things to smaller relatable things. So hefounded the Institute of Happiness to start researching and working towards a simpler way of incorporating the Gross Happiness Index into economies.

Rachna Sharma also requested him to further do research on religion and find a solution to religious conflicts in the SAARC region. By using a simpler methodology this can get momentum.

Mr. Kinga Tshering is the Founder of the Institute of Happiness Bhutan, Former Member of Parliament of Bhutan, and an alumnus of Harvard Kennedy and Divinity schools.

There was an interesting discussion between Mr. Jamal Nasir Baloch and Ms. Rachna Sharma, ultimately leading to a breakthrough that the SAARC region needs to let go of western methodology, and use in-house research to find solutions. The west is driven by material and economic values while Asia specifically is a highly spiritual area that is driven by simple values of life, like harmony. When harmony is not in balance, it leads to conflict and it boils down to religion because of the rich history and culture of the SAARC region. We need to bring religious harmony to this region rather than material development.

Mr. Jamal Nasir Baloch is a politician & thought leader, and the Head of the Foreign Affairs Department for the Free Balochistan Movement party. He has a masters in constitutional law and a degree in politics and government from the University of London.

Ms. Anshu Khanna has won several accolades for her work one of them being the Nari Shakti award to revive the art, culture, and heritage of princely India. She has been able to find a perfect cord between the Royalties of India to a common man on the ground, connecting them via public events, which was not a thing in the past. Her understanding of driving harmony sustaining the culture is phenomenal and she was able to not only moderate but also add several relevant suggestions to the panel.

Ms. Anshu Khanna is a former Journalist, Entrepreneur, and recipient of the Nari Shakti Award.

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